Sunday, 21 February 2016

A Question of Heritage

Cultural heritage is one of those interesting topics where the attitudes to antiquities and ownership have changed over time. Take for instance the problematic artefacts in the National Gallery of Australia. It appears that the Gallery has a number of items (22 at last count) that were bought from an art dealer supposedly specialising in Indian cultural treasures.

The problem is that the items in question are likely to have been stolen, and taken illegally from India, only to be sold to the unwitting Gallery. There is a whole plot for a story right here (not to mention movie rights - I'm thinking Indiana Jones).

But if I step back for a moment, the most interesting thing is not what artefacts are involved, but what motivates people to steal a culture's heritage? I say 'people' advisedly since it's almost impossible for only one person to be the perpetrator. If it started as an alternative to holiday snaps (these days selfies) what led to the end game of greed, deception and fraud? Certainly something to think about.

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